Functional, modern, rapid - the relaunch of


We are offering creative images with an emphasis on nature, culture, economy and lifestyle.

A lot of symbol pictures are already in existance; nevertheless we are planning to grow in the following sectors like food, science and technology, industry and people.

Our special attention lies on a qualified counseling of our customers.

delosfoto is conceptualized as a universal photo stock agency with an emphasis on voyages, cities, nature, culture, people, economy and related topics. Currently, you will not find any photos which belong to the categories "sports", "war", "politics" and "disaster" in our archive.

The classical Greek word delos means ,manifest'. Our maxim is "Imagine the world".

Delosfoto was founded in 2012 and started with stock of 15.000 images.

Your advantages at the photo agency delosfoto

All features and descriptions are available in German and English.

delosfoto’s database is worldwide and accessible for anybody. You neither need a registration, nor a password. There is no special soft- or hardware necessary to purchase our image material. Nevertheless, we recommend you to register: Only as a registered user you can use all functions of our database to your advantage.

With the photos’ presentation via thumbnails, you are able to make a reliable preselection. The provided technical data will point out, if the chosen images are adequate for the intended usage.

You can download delosfoto’s thumbnails for free, in order to integrate them into your pre-layout for presentations, meetings, etc. However, you are not permitted to remove our labeling (logo, item number). The thumbnails are not designed for public use.

Photo and meta data compose an entity, which can only be separated deliberately. delosfoto provides XML-standard and IPTC format.

delosfoto is not an exclusively digital working photo stock agency. We also support analog images, but only as slides in conventional formats.


New pricing model


We are pleased to present you a new quick, easy and transparent calculation system for image usage fees. This new price calculation avoids hours of poring over calculation tables. From now on, the following things belong to the past:

  • restrictions concerning the circulation area. Our licensing is valid worldwide.

  • restrictions concerning the limitation of print. Therefore we have implemented a number of additional usages, to appropriately reflect the increasing digitization.

  • restrictions concerning the display size. We only distinguish between content and title of publication.

  • the distinction between print- and online-usage is omitted.

  • the limitation of the usage period is omitted. The standardized usage period is 2 years and must be licensed again after the expiry.


Instead of making your choice out of endless tables, only a few information must be provided.


What kind of usage is planned?

  • Private usage

  • Editorial usage

  • Commercial products

  • Advertisement / PR / corporate publishing

Private usage:

  • single, private usage – not for profit

  • the image data may not be given to third parties. For non-observance we explicitly request damage compensation amounting to 10-times the usage fee.

Editorial usages include:

  • newspapers and advertising journals

  • journals and magazines, supplements and booklets, membership magazines or member newsletters as well (print or online)

  • event catalogs, programs and informative brochures, exhibition catalogs, program posters, optical demonstrations of electronic data carriers for learning or teaching purposes (print or online)

  • books, illustrated books, loose-leaf-collections, books-on-demand (print or online)

  • audiobooks, travel guides, atlases and maps (print or online)

  • schoolbooks and teaching materials (print or online)

  • TV except advertising and teleshopping sales platforms

  • posters, displays for exhibitions and events in museums and other educational institutions

Trading products are:

  • posters, wall tiles, wrapping papers, printed materials

  • calenders, postcards, envelopes

  • notebooks and writing pads

  • images for collection, puzzles, games

  • medals, stamps, coins, bank notes

  • customer cards, phonecards, debit cards and similar cards

  • packages for trading products, labels, wraps or booklets for data carriers

  • screen images, screen savers and content of data carriers

Advertisment / PR Corporate publishing includes:

  • every promotional poster, POS-material, displays, advertisement in and on transport vehicles

  • calenders, postcards, greeting cards, envelopes for advertisement

  • PR- and company magazines, company chronicles, business reports (print or online)

  • advertisements, supplements, advertorials (print or online)

  • travel brochures, travel catalogs (print or online)

  • prospects, product catalogs, newsletters, flyer, enclosures, booklets for data carriers (print or online)

  • large size photos, lightboxes, fair illustrations, window- and facade decoration, info screens

  • printed advertisement materials, puzzles, games, images for collection

  • Image- or advertisement-spots, internet, web-design, banners, social media, blogs

  • advertisement on TV or cinema

  • All image applications in connection with artificial intelligence (AI)

For all kinds of usage, the corresponding calculating factors are shown on the website, starting with factor 1 for private usage.

Which format delivery do you prefer?

Digital download or e-mail:

as a registered customer a free download of the image or a delivery via e-mail with attachment is possible.


against an expense allowance we deliver the images as well by post or parcel service

Analog Dia:

if an analog dia is archived at delosfoto, we send the image by post or parcel service


For all kinds of delivery the corresponding calculating factors are shown on the website, starting with factor 1 for download or e-mail.


Where do you want to place the image?


valid for all images placed on the inside pages of a publication.

Title of publication:

affects all images on the first sides of publications or the start page of electronic image usage. Please remember, that many publications like posters, trade fair panels, printed materials, movies, TV and postcards naturally only have a title page.

For all placements the corresponding calculating factors are shown on the website, starting with factor 1 for images placed an the inside pages of publications.


How many different usages are planned?

Single usage:

means one image use for print or online

2-6 usages:

up to 6 image usages are possible, for example 2 publications in print-media, 1 associated PDF and 1 online publication.

7-15 usages:

if there are usages in addition to the example above in social media or other media, please specify the amount of them.

16-30 usages:

means extensive usages. For example an exhibition company. The image use is planned for advertisement posters, large displays, envelopes, adverts, flyer, invitation cards, exhibition catalog, info screen, advertisement-spot, TV commercial, online usage (PDF, app, Facebook, google+ and Twitter). The total is an amount of 18 usages.

More than 31 usages:

with this license you purchase the right of unlimited use for the image, valid for a period of two years.


For the amount of usages the corresponding calculating factors are shown on the website, starting with factor 1 for single usage.


Do you wish an exclusive usage?

Not exclusive:

your purchased right of usage for the image is also available for every other customer.

2 years exclusive usage:

if you wish to purchase the exclusive rights of an image, it is blocked for other users for a term of 2 years.

2 years after date of invoice, the image will be released again for other users, unless you purchase the exclusive rights again before the expiry of the chosen period.

For exclusive image usages the corresponding calculating factors are shown on the website, starting with factor 1 for images without exclusive usage rights.


Find images

The location where the photo is captured, is decisive for the ordering (country, federal state, city).

Besides many practical oriented aspects, the searching function integrates all proposals of the IPTC-IIM.

In the central part of the searching function you can refine the search according to photographer, format, light situation and colour impression.

In the left part of the searching function you can search for geographic criteria. Special features like the search for UNESCO world heritage sites are also supplied.

Below, you can search for special themes (designated header text clearance under "image content"), sentiment (relexation), nature (part of plant, fruit red), lifestyle (eating and drinking, spice), economy (traffic, bridge), etc.

The search is executed consecutively. Thereby, your overview is at any time warranted. An example: If desired, you will find 1.000 photos concerning Spain/Andalusia. You need to cover a double page, so you limit the search down to 600 photos in horizontal format. You desire a photo which has been shot in the "blue hour": You choose mixed light (in the category lightning) or dusk (in the category time of day). Your selection is reduced to a few hundred photos, which will be easily examined in a couple of minutes.

As a matter of course, delosfoto supplies as well a fulltext search, here it is chili + tomato. If the entered term corresponds with one of our tables, the search can be continued in this table. Otherwise the whole database will be scanned.

Among other relevant information, all relevant descriptions are being displayed in the detailed view. You can search for similar photos by activating the important description criteria.

All photos are described by the photographers, because they know best what they wanted to express with their pictures.

Search tips

The Quicksearch in the main menu gives a broad overview of delosfotos image portfolio. By entering a view letters of the search term, suggestions will be made. In the Quicksearch field, it is also possible to search an article number.

Just click on the desired term in the search window:



The Full-Text Search does its research in every database field, after entering the keywords. You will recieve appropriate suggestions for categories including the keywords, even if no images are shown instantly.



The sorting tool permits a detailed search for author, format, light conditions during which the image was taken, time of day and the dominating color:



The Specialized Search allows a research after state, country and location:


Additionally you will find images according to the IPTC-NAA-Standard with categories like image content, sentiment, nature, culture, economy, lifestyle, politics, sports or war.

It is possible to continue the search in the results, after every single step of search. In case of a new search, please click "reset search".


Search images within the "Favorits" menu

By clicking "Latest favorits" you get a selection of new/actual leaders:

"Find your favorits" is a search function within the "Favorites" menu.

By entering a few letters of the requested theme you get according proposals, if we can offer them.

Features and Service

As registered user, delosfoto supplies you one or more light boxes, in order to afford an efficient work.

Due to our extensive rights clearance, we are ensuring that no leagl disputs will occur, after the images have been published.

Our price calculator within the detailed view (here according to the example shown above) provides you a direct overview of the anticipated costs.

As a matter of course, we gladly place appropriate photographers for remittance works.

We are glad to support you in case of any occurring problems. Please feel free to contact us via phone or email.

Phone: (06078 912250)


Mail (

Customers account

The customers account is personalized. As registrated user you have the benefit of all software functions:

It is possible to:

  • download images driectly
  • create and edit a request
  • access to all documents (requests, offers, invoices) so you can print them
  • create and edit lightboxes
  • transmit images from search to a lightbox


Get an offer

To get an offer you have two options: use the price calculator in the detailed view of the image, or send us the concerning lightbox via e-mail. For Licensed Pictures (LP) we need to know the intended purpose, the placement, the amount of the edition, planned exclusiveness and the delivery form. For the clarity of the information it is better to use the direct price calculation.

If you agree with the proposed usage fee, you can download the image directly. Currently you will recieve an e-mail with the invoice.

If you don't agree with the fee, fell free to contact us.

You can download your request as PDF, edit the adress and delete images from it.

Only after clicking "submit request" we are able to edit your request.

Working with lightboxes

A lightbox is a container to save, organize and administrate your search results. Only registered users can create lightboxes; they are always individual and customer-related.

After your customer registration and your login to the server of delosfoto, all lightbox functions are at your disposal.

You can:

  • create an unlimited quantity of lightboxes in order to organize different projects.

  • access to, modify and delete your lightboxes

  • download single lightboxes as ZIP-folders and thereby save them on your computer

  • request offers concerning photos of your lightbox

The menu "lightboxes" can be found in the main menu, under the category "Account". For non-registered users this function is hidden.


Create a lightbox

For the creation of lightboxes, you first have to select the menu item "lightboxes" under the category "Account". There you activate the function "Create new lightbox".

Now choose a name for your lightbox (e. g. "Demo Light") and click the button "Create new lightbox". The server of delosfoto arranges the list of your lightboxes by the date of creation.

Transmit images from search to a lightbox

For transmitting specific search results to a lightbox, please use the detailed view of the respective image. The detailed view opens in an extra window within the search page, by clicking on the single images. There you can allot the image to one of the created lightboxes.

Display and edit your lightbox

By choosing the menu item "Lightboxes", an overview of all your lightboxes appears.

By clicking on the name or a photo of the lightbox, you can rename the lightbox, remove photos and add or edit the caption of this lightbox. Your changes are saved automatically.

You can also save the lightboxes on your computer as packed folders, by activating the function "Download as Zip".

Transmit images in several lightboxes

By clicking the desired image, you get to the detailed view. Here you have the possibility, to add the image to another lightbox, like described above.


Delete a lightbox

Please check your lightboxes at regular intervals and delete the ones you do not need anymore. As a long list of lightboxes can handicap your work, this function improves your own comfort significantly. After you activate the function "Delete this lightbox", a security check appears. The lightbox in question will only be deleted after your confirmation.


Request offers

If you want to request an offer for a lightbox, you can either use our price calculator integrated into the searching function or send us the relevant lightbox via email. As licensed pictures (LPs) require the declaration of the purpose of use, the mapping value, the positioning, the intended edition and eventual further uses, an immediate price request is recommendable, in order to ensure the clearness of the necessary information.


Durability of lightboxes

delosfoto guarantees, that each of your created lightboxes will be available for at least two years after the date of creation.

Image information and usage fees

Photo info: here you can find detailed information about the shooting date and the available image quality:


Key words: here you can see the image description and start a research for similar motifs:


Availability: any restictions on use are described here:


Commercial use: delosfoto clarifies the copyright for you:


Usage fees: the usage fees are calculated here, depending on intended use, the placement, the extent of usage, planned exclusiveness and delivery form.

The input box for "direct download" will appaer immediatly, after signing in as a registered customer.


Go to contact.

Copyright / Release


An image has a model and/or proprietary contract.

A model or a proprietary release cause the permission to use pictured persons or pictured properties (buildings, art, labels, etc.) for commercial purposes. The releases are available at delosfoto in written form or as a dataset. They contain the concerned persons’ declaration of consent for the publication. Independent of existing rights, there might be hindrances for the image’s usage. These are described within the image’s detailed information.

Type of usage

What does "private usage" mean?

The image is  for a single private usage without the intention of making a profit.

It is not allowed to hand the image data to third parties. In case of non-compliance we explicitly demand damages, amounting 10 times the usage fee.

What does "commercial usage" mean?

Commercial usage is a procedure, which is implemented for the disposal of a product or for advertising purposes. Generally, images are used for commercial purposes, if the usage serves directly or indirectly for the realization of turnovers and therewith for the realization of profits. In case of commercial usage, a previously declaration of rights should occur.

What does "editorial usage" mean?

The aim of editorial usage is to report an event, to impart knowledge and to illustrate those aims via images. Under normal circumstances, the usage for editorial purposes doesn't require a release.

Click here to get to the new pricing model.

Classification via the photo agency delosfoto:

Images with clearances

An image has a model and/or proprietary contract

The releases are available at delosfoto in written form or as a dataset. Under these circumstances, no problems concerning the usage are anticipated. Independent of existing rights, there might be hindrances for the image’s usage. These are described within the image’s detailed information.

Images without clearances

No model and/or proprietary contract necessary

No releases are available. This is a classification by delosfoto, which guarantees an unlimited usage of the image. Under such a classification, no problems concerning the usage are anticipated. delosfoto is liable, if problems occur under such a classification. Independent of existing rights, there might be hindrances for the image’s usage. These are described within the image’s detailed information:

  • Personal rights are clarified
  • Property rights are clarified

Probably no personal rights and/or proprietary rights are necessary

No releases are available. This classification by delosfoto is a not binding declaration and no hindrance for commercial usage. The risk can only be evaluated after the clarification of all details, concerning the image’s intended usage. Generally, the risk is rather low. Independent of existing rights, there might be hindrances for the image’s usage. These are described within the image’s detailed information.

Personal rights could be clarified

Please contact us.

Property rights could be clarified

Please contact us.

A declaration of rights for personal rights and/or proprietary rights is necessary

No releases are available. If possible, we try to obtain the rights of use for the concerning image and using purposes. Therefore, delosfoto has to charge an appropriate fee. If it is impossible to obtain the rights of use, delosfoto will try to offer alternative graphical material. Independent of existing rights, there might be hindrances for the image’s usage. These are described within the image’s detailed information.

We mark those images with:

  • This picture is not released for commercial use.

For editorial usage send a query.

Existing risks briefly summarized



Risk of editorial usage

Risk of commercial usage

Model contract available

Release for all kinds of usage



Proprietary contract available

Release for all kinds of usage



Model and proprietary contract available

Release for all kinds of usage



No model contract necessary

Release for all kinds of usage


Guarantee by delosfoto

No proprietary contract necessary

Release for all kinds of usage


Guarantee by delosfoto

No model and no proprietary contract necessary

Release for all kinds of usage


Guarantee by delosfoto

Probably no personal rights necessary

Release for editorial usage

Very low


Probably no proprietary rights necessary

Release for editorial usage

Very low


Probably no proprietary and no personal rights necessary

Release for editorial usage

Very low


Clearance of rights for proprietary rights necessary

Release for editorial usage


Please contact us

Clearance of rights for personal rights necessary

Release for editorial usage


Please contact us

Clearance of rights for personal and proprietary rights necessary

Release for editorial usage


Please contact us

Image types / Sales model



Rights managed images are marked as "LP” (Licensed Pictures) in the database

Royality free images are marked as “UU” (Unlimited Usage) in the database

Usage/ Licensing

The rights of use of the LP are assigned for a previously defined purpose (usage, placement, extent usage, planned exclusiveness and delivery form). The usage right is only valid for the defined purpose and only during a previously defined period.

You can use purchased UU-images during an unlimited period, non-exclusive and worldwide. This applies to an unlimited amount of usages. The UU-license has to be purchased before using the image. The license is nontransferable. You are not permitted to transmit the image data.


Temporary exclusive rights can be agreed upon.

A protection against the usage of the images via third persons is impossible.

Usage list

Releases/Third-party Rights

If requested, an usage list concerning all previous usages – including “image usage, placement, branch"” – can be provided for any image of the database.

Exclusive granted rights are marked under "availability".

We will endeavor to achieve an enabling, if the LP’s rights of use of third persons are bothered. Therefore we need exact declarations concerning the type of use; eventually also concerning the caption.

It is impossible to provide an usage list.

Image reference

LP always demand a clear attachment of the author and the photo stock agency with the picture. We demand the transmission of a voucher copy.

In case of the publication of an UU, we demand a declaration of the photo stock agency, which has to be clearly allocable to the image. We ask you for a delivery of a voucher copy.

Image quality

You receive the images in analogue (slides) or digital (original scans; standard are ca. 60 MB for an A3 printing reproduction; if desired also in better quality) form. All images are in .tif format and mainly not edited. Type of delivery is download, CD or DVD.

UUs are only delivered in digital form. The data on the CDs are stored as multimedia files in .jpg format (max. 1 MB per image). The same applies to single images in multimedia definition. Images in medium definition (max. 10 MB) are delivered in .jpg format. Images with high definition (max. 30 MB) are delivered as .tif or .psd data. Images with extra definition (max. 100 MB) are delivered as .tif or .psd data. All UUs may be edited.

Image prices and usage fees

Please use our price calculator for the exact pricing.

Furthermore, we are looking forward to work on your e-mail requests. Feel free to use our prepared form.

Please submit all usage relevant data.

Our CD-samples cost between 144,00 and 240,00 €. The CD prices are quoted in the overview as well as in the CD’s description.

Single image top scan definition 268,00 to 492,00 € (31 to 60 MB)

Single image extra high definition 152,00 to 260,00 € (21 to 30 MB)

Single image high definition 96,00 to 168,00 € (5 to 20 MB)

Single image medium definition 64,00 bis 136,00 € (max. 5 MB)

Single image multimedia definition  27,00 to 45,00 € (max. 1 MB)

Photo delivery

For the delivery of our photos you may choose from the following options:

  • download of high resolution quality data (only for registered users)
  • delivery of high resolution quality data in your preferred resolution via email (as far as practicable)
  • delivery of high resolution quality data via CD, DVD or email
  • delivery of original slides
  • delivery of duplicates

Download of image data

Under the link "foto info" and "availability" you check, whether it is possible to download a specific image directly. There, the number of pixels and the file size are pointed out. The saved files are sufficient for a sophisticated print quality of the format A4.

A download is only possible for registered customers.

After the download you receive an automatically created email, including the usage data and confirmation of price. Afterwards you receive an indivdual or collective invoice.

In order to improve our service a specimen copy is requested.

At the photo agency delosfoto no download fees arise.


Delivery of digitalized high resolution data via email

Digital pictures at delosfoto are produced with high-quality cameras with maximum sized sensors. The minimum resolution of the images is 12 megapixels.

We scan slides with a Nikon Coolscan in a 4000 dpi resolution. This definition is sufficient for high quality prints in the format A4. In case of medium format scans, this definition is also sufficient for far larger reproductions. However, the emerging data hardly suit for delivery via email.

If we scan a photo especially for you, we charge 20,00 € per small diapositivs 24x36.

If we scan a photo especially for you, we charge 40,00 € per medium format 6x9.

Please communicate the preferred resolution (in dpi) and size (in cm) within your order, as we produce the appropriate data out of the unedited scan. If desired, we also provide image sections. The data will be delivered in .jpg format. For creating a PSD-file we charge 20,00 €.


Delivery of digitalized high resolution data on data carriers

Digital pictures at delosfoto are produced with high-quality cameras with maximum sized sensors. The minimum resolution of the images is 12 megapixels.

We scan slides with a Nikon Coolscan in a 4000 dpi resolution. This definition is sufficient for high quality prints in double A4 format. In case of medium format scans, this definition is also sufficient for far larger reproductions. The size of the emerging files is up to 400 MBytes.

All scans are produced within the Adobe RGB colour space and in 16 bit color depth. They are fairly unedited; we only make small corrections. The images are always delivered as .TIFF data and uncompressed. They apply to any operating system. If desired, we also deliver copies of the formats .psd and .jpg.

If we scan a photo especially for you, we charge 20,00 € per small diapositivs 24x36.

If we scan a photo especially for you, we charge 40,00 € per medium format 6x9.

The delivery of scanned data occurs via CD-ROM (ISO960) or DVD.

The compilation of data carrier is factored within the prize calculation ("How do you wish to get the image?").

Data carriers with image data have always to be returned to delosfoto. For each lost CD or DVD an administrative charge of 40,00 € is subjected.


Delivery of original slides

The delivery of original slides in short term is possible, if they are archived physically at delosfoto. Within the search results you can see whether the photos are available only in digital or also in analogue form.

We don't create layout sheets for preselctions. Olease send us a light box incuding the demanded images.

Additional expenses for sending analogue material is factored within the prize calculation.

For the return, please pay attention to the date, given on the bill of delivery. In case of exceeding the deadline of returning we charge 2,00 € per coloured photo and day. You will not get another demand for returning the photos, after exceeding the deadline of returning.

If a photos' layout is opened without an adequately charged following usage, we subject a layout charge of 20,00 € for each opened layout sheet. In case of lost or completely damaged images, we charge at least 500,00 € for masters up to 6 x 9 cm; 600,00 € for 9 x 12 cm and 13 x 18 cm slides; 1000,00 € for 18 x 24 cm slides.



Photo Manipulation

Memorandum of Understanding concerning the mandatory identification of manipulated photos

Joint Initiative of the “Bund Freischaffender Foto-Designer“


Joint initiative of the “Bund Freischaffender Foto-Designer” (BFF), the “Bundesvervand der Pressebild-agenturen und Bildarchive (BVPA), the „Centralverband Deutscher Berufsphotographen“ (CV), the „Deutscher Journalisten-Verband“ (DJV), the DOK-Union, FreeLens – Union of photojournalists and the IG-Media.

[M] Label for Photo manipulation / modification

In a memorandum (15. October 1997), the most important associations in the range of photography and journalism have agreed upon a labeling for photo manipulation [M]. This step seemed to be necessary due to the image engineering’s perfects techniques which allow a not-recognisable modification of an image’s content. Modified images should be labeled in order to achieve perceptibility for the reader as well as in order to ensure the value of documentary-publicist photography. Memorandum Concerning the mandatory identification of manipulated photos of the “Bund Freischaffender Foto-Designer” (BFF), the “Bundesvervand der Pressebild-agenturen und Bildarchive (BVPA), the „Centralverband Deutscher Berufsphotographen“ (CV), the „Deutscher Journalisten-Verband“ (DJV), the DOK-Union, FreeLens – Union of photojournalists and the IG-Media (Berlin, 15. October 1997). Each documentary-publicist photo which is edited after the exposure has to be labeled with an [M]. It does not matter if the photo is manipulated by the photographer or by the user. A labeling has to occur always if:

  • Persons and / or Objects are added and / or removed,

  • Various photo elements or photos are assembled into a new image,

  • Modifications concerning scale, color or content are made.

For the labeling, following notation is advised:
Photo [M]: Author/ respectively Agency

A manipulated photo has to be labeled by the person who executes the manipulation.

(Source: BVPA)

The photo agency delosfoto labels each manipulated picture.

Author naming


In the following, we refer to two statements of the BVPA - Bundesverband der Pressebild-Agenturen und Bildarchive e.V.:

Memorandum of Author Naming

Photographers are legally eligible for naming

The international council of the authors of fine arts and of the photographers (CIAGP) has addressed the photographer’s claim for naming at the congress in Madrid, 16. and 17. November 1982.

It has been declared that this claim is permanently and gravely violated by publication of photos without copyright note. The council has pointed out that the claim for naming is a part of an author’s personal rights. Strict consideration of the resulting basic claims of the authors is therefore demanded.

The signing organizations agree with the CIAGP’s demands. They will do everything in their power to reveal the importance of naming to the publication organs. Additionally, they point out, that § 13 of the copyright law explicitly demands naming. This claim is only met if they relation between copyright note and photo is without any doubts. The signing parties completely support the photographer’s claim for naming.

Arbeitskreis Werbe-Mode-Industriefotografie (AWI), Hamburg Bund Freischaffender Fotodesigner (BFF), Stuttgart
Bundesverband der Pressebildagenturen und Bildarchive (BVPA), Berlin
Centralverband Deutscher Photographen (CV), Düsseldorf
Deutsche Journalisten-Union in der IG Druck und Papier (dju), Stuttgart
Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV), Bonn
EUROPHOT, Vereinigung Europäischer Berufsfotografen, Brüssel
Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner (GDL), Münster
Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Foto-Marketing (MFM)
Verwertungsgesellschaft Bild-Kunst, Bonn

(Munich, 25th September 1983)


The photo agency delosfoto is behind this memorandum.


Copyright lives! Pro copyright protection in the Internet

The internet is more and more dominated by graphical contents. Only these design elements turned the internet into what it represents today.

Still the fact, that all graphic components result from creative work is ignored again and again – often because of nescience. Graphic artists or photographers have dedicated parts of their creativity, in order to produce those contents. All of them enjoy copyright protection.

Unfortunately, especially those creative people have to experience frequently that their works are copied, linked or otherwise used without further enquiry or permission. The copyright protection, as well as the fact, that distribution is not allowed without permission of the author is thereby willingly ignored. Does the internet’s freedom concede the liberty to appropriate and to use other’s work illegally?

We say NO! to the photo thievery in the internet.

Anyone who uses online photos or graphics – whether commercially or privately – has to ensure him-/herself that the author agrees upon this usage. When indicated, a fee has to be paid. It must not occur, that central design elements of successful web pages are ripped off other pages. Like this, the author’s basic survival needs are withdrawn!

For this reason, the initiative pro copyright protection in the internet has been founded by the “Verband der deutschen Pressebildagenturen und Bildarchive” (BVPA).

We lobby against copying, linking or any other reproducing of creative works without the author’s permission – no matter whether those works are photos, graphics or texts. If you wish to support this initiative with us, please display the above shown “Copyrights Lives” label on your webpage and place a link to our page.

Please inform us, if you refer to our initiative.

Help us to protect authors and their copyright also in the internet!


The photo agency delosfoto expressly supports this initative.

Our Opinion / Your Opinion

Our Opinion

Welcome to Egypt, welcome to Syria,

amazing how friendly and frank we are welcomed and accepted in many countries of the world. Millions of tourists, journalists and photographers travel to foreign countries, mostly with a completely different cultural environment. Tourists spend their "most valuable days of the year" with strangers. Nevertheless, a rather concerning problem has nested within our everyday live: Xenophobia; resulting from a mechanism which has often influenced the cohabitation of people fatally. Minorities (mostly ethnic or religious) are labeled as scapegoat for the own – self-inflicted or not – discontent. This development has to be opposed resolutely: via political plans and individual examples. The willingness to oppose any humiliation or discrimination of foreign people or strangers is most important: This requires the application of all democratic instruments as well as civil courage at work and in the private sphere.

These are the principles delosfoto is feeling obliged to as well - along with our photographers and users, we want to be a strong lobby in order to keep the way for a canny and human contact with strangers free. 


(Source: Sympathy Magazine of the Studienkreis für Tourismus)

Your opinion about the photo agency delosfoto:

Please feel free to tell us your opinion about our photo stock agency. Which changes, which improvements do you attend? We cannot implement each desire immediately, but we will generate a schedule and work on it, issue by issue.

Frequently asked questions

What is the calculation of usage fees for LP (Licensed Pictures) based on?

  • What is the inteded usage of the image?

  • What kind of delivery form is expected?

  • Where is the placement of the image?

  • What extended usage is planned?

  • Do you wish an exclusive usage?

Therefore you have to enter these details into our price calculator to get the pricing. Additionally, our ranking is being included in the calculation of the usage fee as well.


How much are the royalty payments for UU (Unlimited Usage)?

You can find the minimum royalties for UU-pictures listed in a table on the page Help/Image Characters. Including the ranking, the valid prices for UU-pictures are being displayed as thumbnails.


What do the copyrights „Model Release“ and „Property Release“ mean?

The permitted options of using an image can be found on the page Help/Copyright Release. In case of doubt, we request you to contact us for the clearance of rights.

Restrictions of the publishing rights, being listed in the detailed information of the image, have to be obligatory observed.


Do I have to apply a copy right note to the picture?

The photo agency delosfoto is obligated to enforce the author's (photographer) claim on a copyright note.


How can I archive the results of my work with delosfoto?

With the browser option “save image as” you can file an image from the detailed view at your desktop.

For the content of the detailed view there is a print option available.

There is also a print option for the results of a picture research.

You can download the entire content of a light box as ZIP-file. The emerging folder is named “delosfoto - date of the light box set-up - name of the light table”.

The result of a price calculation can be printed.

The pricing can directly be involved into a request towards delosfoto. You can at anytime retrieve your existing requests, but you cannot change them after sending.

Based on your request, you receive an obligatory offer of delosfoto as PDF.


I forgot my password, what can I do?

Please write an e-mail containing the details you have stored at delosfoto. Afterwards you promptly receive an updated password via e-mail.


Any important questions missing?

For outstanding questions feel free to contact us.

We are glad to help you and our advise is comprehensive - especially concerning the image selection.

Just call +49 (0) 6078 912250 or +49 (0) 171 3572390 or write an email to


Thank you for your support.

Last revision of this page: 2024/10/09