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Price Calculation

0011180701719115 The cheapest price would be 44,08€. This is usage fee for a private, one-time use. Prices are net prices.
Artikelno.: 0011180701719115
Sublocation, annotation: Odenwald, Wingert
Country, State, City: Germany FRG, Hesse, Gross-Umstadt
Into the price of LP-images, delosfoto is including a ranking generated from the seperate valuations "Famous photographer", "Models", "Photograph situation", "Costs of the image creation", "Level of originality and "Unique incident during the photograph".
Quality level of this image
Classification of this picture AAA
Price factor 1.8
The calculated usage fees count for:
- all circulations
- all display sizes
- worldwide image usage
- print and/or online
- 2 years usage
Once the time has expired or the usage is expanded for other usages, a new licensing is required.
Before completing the form, please make sure you have read all information regarding the calculation of usage fees and our (explanations.)
Fee calculation base
What do you plan the image usage for?
How do you wish to recieve the image?
Where do you plan to place the image?
How many image usages are estimated
Do you wish an exclusive usage?
The instant download is only possible for registered customers and after the log-in. For starting a download, registered customers will be forwarded to to our log-in page. Visitors without registration will be forwarded to our contact form. Forward to log-in page Forward to registration page
Estimated fee for the use of the picture according to your planned utilisation: the statutory value added tax applicable is calculated in addition to the usage fee.
Included in the estimated price is our ranking factor: 1.8 Our prices are based on market-oriented guideline values.
Existing special agreements with individual customers shall remain unaffected.
We gladly conclude special agreements with new customers.
Please remember: the usage of an unlicensed image can cause substantial costs, which will exceed the usage fees for legally obtained property rights by a multiple.