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Frequently asked questions towards the photo agency delosfoto

How are the royalty payments for LP (Licensed Pictures) being calculated?

  • The usage period,

  • the distribution area,

  • the number of duplicates (edition),

  • the placement,

  • the image scale and

  • the intended usage

define the royalty payment for an LP. Therefore you have to enter these details into our price calculator to get the pricing. Additionally, our intern ranking is being included in the calculation of the royalty payment as well.

How much are the royalty payments for UU (Unlimited Usage)?

You can find the minimum royalties for UU-pictures listed in a table on the page Help/Image Characters. Including the ranking, the valid prices for UU-pictures are being displayed as thumbnails.

What do the copyrights „Model Release“ and „Property Release“ mean?

The permitted options of using an image can be found on the page Help/Copyright Release. In case of doubt we request you to contact us for the clearance of rights.

Restrictions of the publishing rights being listed in the detailed information of the image have to be obligatory observed.

Do I have to apply a copy right note to the picture?

The photo agency delosfoto is obligated to enforce the author's (photographer) claim on a copyright note.

How can I archive the results of my work with delosfoto?

  • With the browser option “save image as” you can file an image from the detailed view at your desktop.

  • For the content of the detailed view there is a print option available.

  • There is also a print option for the results of a picture research.

  • You can download the entire content of a light box as a ZIP-file. The emerging folder is named “delosfoto - date of the light box set-up - name of the light table”.

  • The result of a price calculation can be printed.

  • The pricing can directly be involved into a request towards delosfoto. You can at anytime retrieve your existing requests, but you cannot change them after sending.

  • Based on your request you receive an obligatory offer of delosfoto as PDF.

I forgot my password, what can I do?

Please write an e-mail containing the details you have stored at delosfoto. After that you promptly receive an updated password via e-mail.

Any important questions missing?

For outstanding questions please write an email to:

Or just call: +49 (0) 6078 912250 or +49 (0) 171 3572390.

You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (CET).

Thank you for your support.




Last revision of this page: 2014/01/06